It’s time to make thankful trees! Making thankful trees is so much fun! The colors get prettier and prettier as the trees get bigger and bigger. And, it feels so good to think about and write down what we’re thankful for – for an entire month! This time of year helps us refocus on all the good in our lives. And there is SO much good when it comes to God. Because God is good! is what we want preschoolers to learn this month. God is good and we have A LOT we can thank Him for. So, get ready to create those thankful trees and tell God, “Thank You” for all the good things He’s made and done! We can’t wait to celebrate thankfulness all month long! And, in case you didn’t know, we are very thankful for you and all that you do to help preschoolers know that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.
Week One (November 1)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for good things.Every Good and Perfect Gift • James 1:17; Genesis 1
Memory Verse:
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” Psalm 107:1, NIV
Key Question: Who is good?
Bottom Line: God is good.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for good things. During
week one, we will talk about how every good and
perfect gift comes from God. So when our preschoolers
see something good, we want them to say “Thank You,
God!” Did you see a red bird on a branch? Thank You,
God! Did you see a beautiful yellow flower? Thank You,
God! Did you see a colorful rainbow after the rain?
Thank You, God!
Week Two (November 8)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for food. Elijah and the Widow • 1 Kings 17:7-16
Memory Verse:
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” Psalm 107:1, NIV
Key Question: Who is good?
Bottom Line: God is good.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for food. Week two, we
will hear the story about Elijah and a widow who only
had enough food left for one small meal—that is until
God showed up! God gave the widow all the food she
needed. So when our preschoolers see food, we want
them to say, “Thank You, God!” Mac and cheese…
Mmmm…Thank You, God! Vanilla ice cream…thank You,
God! Apple slices…Thank You, God!
Week Three (November 15)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for family who help me. Aaron Helps Moses • Exodus 17:8-13
Memory Verse:
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” Psalm 107:1, NIV
Key Question: Who is good?
Bottom Line: God is good.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for family who help
me. Week three, we will see Aaron helping his brother,
Moses. Moses was tired and couldn’t hold his arms
up anymore, but Aaron came through and saved the
day—or at least saved Moses’ arms. We wants our
preschoolers to look at their families and say, “Thank
You, God!” Did big brother help you tie your shoes?
Thank You, God! Did Daddy read you a book? Thank
You, God! D
Week Four (November 22)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for people who help me. Nehemiah Builds a Wall • Nehemiah 1–6
Memory Verse:
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.” Psalm 107:1, NIV
Key Question: Who is good?
Bottom Line: God is good.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for people who help
me. Week four will be filled with blocks and tools as we
pretend to help Nehemiah repair the wall. Nehemiah
had so many people helping him, and our preschoolers
have a lot of people helping them too. We want our
preschoolers to see the teachers, doctors, neighbors,
coaches, and grocery clerks who help them and say,
“Thank You, God!”
Week Five (November 29)
Today’s Bible Story: I can praise God because He is good. We Can Praise God • Psalm 149:1-5
Memory Verse:
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is
good.” Psalm 107:1, NIV
Key Question: Who is good?
Bottom Line: God is good.
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: I can praise God because He is good.
Grab your shakers for week five, because we are having
a praise party! We want to lead our preschoolers in
praising God, because God is good! It will be a special
time when we read all of the leaves on our Thankful
Trees, praise God for all He has done, and remember
that God is good.
Monthly Videos
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