Preschoolers will ask questions countless times as they get to know the world around them. It’s like they’re beginning a lifelong Scavenger Hunt. This is the perfect opportunity for us to not only tell them what they are looking at but Who made it as well. That’s why we are going to add another question to their inquisitive minds. Who made everything? Who made the red ladybug? Who made the grey rocks? The white clouds? The blue bird? We want preschoolers to know that God made everything. We want them to think of God as they explore and get to know this wonderful, colorful world we live in. And even more, we want them to know that the same God who made everything made them and loves them.
Week One (May 1)
Today’s Bible Story: On days one and two,
God made the light and dark and sky and water. Light & Dark, Sky & Water • Genesis 1:3-8
Memory Verse: “God saw everything he had made. And it was
very good.” Genesis 1:31, NIrV
Key Question: Who made everything?
Bottom Line: God
made everything.
Basic Truth: God
made me.
Story Focus: On days one and two, God made the light and dark and sky and water. We will begin the month way back at the beginning, on days one and two of creation, when God made light, dark, sky and water. When darkness falls or our preschoolers look up to the sky, they can know that God made everything, and it is good.
Week Two (May 8)
Today’s Bible Story: On
days three and four, God made the land, plants, sea, sun, moon, and
stars. Land, Plants, Sea
& Sun, Moon, Stars • Genesis 1:9-19
Memory Verse:
“God saw everything he had made. And it was very good.” Genesis 1:31, NIrV
Key Question: Who
made everything?
Bottom Line: God
made everything.
Basic Truth: God
made me.
Story Focus: On day three and four, God made the land, plants, sea, sun, moon, and stars. Week two, we will hear about how God made the land, plants, sea, sun, moon, and stars. Our preschoolers can look out at the stars and know that God made the stars! They can smell a flower and know that God made the flowers! God made everything, and it is good.
Week Three (May 15)
Today’s Bible Story: On
day five, God made the birds and fish. Birds & Fish • Genesis
Memory Verse:
“God saw everything he had made. And it was very good.” Genesis 1:31, NIrV
Key Question: Who
made everything?
Bottom Line: God
made everything.
Basic Truth: God
made me.
Story Focus: On day five, God made the birds and fish. Week three, our preschoolers will be so excited as they get to hear about how God made the birds and fish. Your preschoolers will be flapping their wings and swimming like little fish at some point. Our hope is that as they go out into the world, every time they see a fish or a bird, they will know that God made everything, and it is good.
Week Four (May 22)
Today’s Bible Story: On day six, God made
animals and people. Animals & People
• Genesis 1:24-31
Memory Verse: “God saw everything he had made. And
it was very good.” Genesis 1:31, NIrV
Key Question: Who made everything?
Bottom Line: God
made everything.
Basic Truth: God
made me.
Story Focus: On day six, God made animals and people. Week four, well, this week is super special because on day six, God made the animals and God made people! This means every time a preschooler goes to feed their dog or cat, they can know that God made them. And, every time they look in the mirror or see another person, they can know that God made them, too. God made everything, and this time, is was very good.
Week Five (May 29)
Today’s Bible Story: God looked at
everything He made. Then He rested. God Rested • Genesis 1:1–2:3
Memory Verse: “God saw everything he had made. And
it was very good.” Genesis 1:31, NIrV
Key Question: Who made everything?
Bottom Line: God
made everything.
Basic Truth: God
made me.
Story Focus: God looked at everything He made. Then, He rested. We will all be ready for a rest week five after a month filled with learning that God made everything. And, that’s what God did on day seven. God looked at all that He had made, and then He rested. It will be a wonderful time of looking back at everything God made and how it is all so, so good.