As we continue our journey through God’s Big Story, we take a closer look at the lives of Joseph and Moses. Both of these men trusted God through hard circumstances and would not give up. These are two heroes of the faith, and we hope to help kids see how their stories connect between Genesis and Exodus. God has been faithful throughout history and has helped people get through and overcome incredible difficulties. God’s Son, Jesus, endured the pain of the cross and death itself so that we could have a forever relationship with God. God gives us the Holy Spirit to empower us to keep going, even when life gets difficult.
Monthly Overview
October Curriculum:
Week One (Oct 2)
Down in a Hole
Today’s Bible Story: Down in a Hole Joseph Sold by Brothers and Joseph in Jail Genesis 37, 39–40
Today’s Key Question: What helps people get through hard things?
Today’s Bottom Line: Hold on because God is with you.
Monthly Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV
Monthly Virtue: Grit—Refusing to give up when life gets hard
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Week Two (Oct 9)
Big Picture
Today’s Bible Story: Big Picture Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 41–45
Today’s Key Question: When has something turned out better than you expected?
Today’s Bottom Line: Hold on because there’s a bigger story.
Monthly Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV
Monthly Virtue: Grit—Refusing to give up when life gets hard
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Week Three (Oct 16)
Float On
Today’s Bible Story: Moses Is Born Exodus 2:1-10 (supporting: Exodus 1)
Today’s Key Question: When have you helped solve a problem?
Today’s Bottom Line: Hold on even when you don’t know what to do.
Monthly Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV
Monthly Virtue: Grit—Refusing to give up when life gets hard
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Week Four (Oct 23)
Deliver Us
Today’s Bible Story: Deliver Us Burning Bush and the 10 Plagues Exodus 3-6:12, 7-12:42
Today’s Key Question: When have you been through a hard time?
Today’s Bottom Line: Hold on because God knows what you’re going through.
Monthly Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV
Monthly Virtue: Grit—Refusing to give up when life gets hard
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Week Five (Oct 30)
When you Believe
Today’s Bible Story: When You Believe Israel Goes Through the Red Sea Exodus 13:17-14:31
Today’s Key Question: What feels out of control?
Today’s Bottom Line: Hold on because God is still in control.
Monthly Memory Verse: “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9, NIrV
Monthly Virtue: Grit—Refusing to give up when life gets hard
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Week 1 – Way Maker & This is Living
Week 2 – Let Go & Graves Into Gardens
Week 3 – Never Gonna Stop Singing & Who You Say I Am
Week 4 – Real Love & Might get Loud
Week 5 – Who you say I am & Good Grace
Week 1 – Way Maker & This is Living
Week 2 – Let Go & Graves Into Gardens
Week 3 – Never Gonna Stop Singing & Who You Say I Am
Week 4 – Real Love & Might get Loud
Week 5 – Who you say I am & Good Grace