This month we are going to use a community garden to teach our preschoolers that “I can thank God for
everything.” Wow, there is so much goodness in that one statement!
First of all, I can thank. Choosing to be thankful is the road to contentment, joy, and peace. And we want our
preschoolers to have all of that goodness in their lives. Second, I can thank God. Thanking God is how we
acknowledge the One giving us all the good in our lives. And third, I can thank God for everything. Yes, even
the not so good stuff. When we thank God for everything, we are showing God that we believe He can use ALL
things for His purpose and nothing is too big for Him.
We want our preschoolers to know they can thank God for everything. We want them to experience the
contentment, joy, and peace that comes from a thankful heart.
Week One (November 7)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for my family. Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz
• Ruth 1–2
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.” Psalm 111:1, ESV
Key Question: Who can you thank for
Bottom Line: I can thank God for everything.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for my family. In week
one, we will follow the story of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz
and see how they became a family. They were not your
typical family, but they were oh so thankful for each
other. And no matter what our family looks like, we can
thank God for our family, too.
Week Two (November 14)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for my friends. David and Jonathan • 1 Samuel 18:1-4
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.” Psalm 111:1, ESV
Key Question: Who can you thank for
Bottom Line: I can thank God for
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for my friends. Week
two, we will learn about the faithful friendship of
Jonathan and David and how thankful they were for
each other. Jonathan wasn’t just thankful with his words.
He looked for a way to show David he was thankful by
giving David special things that belonged to him. We
can show our friends we are thankful for them, too.
Week Three (November 21)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for food. Manna • Exodus 16
Memory Verse: “I
will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.” Psalm 111:1, ESV
Key Question: Who can you thank for
Bottom Line: I can thank God for
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for food. Next, we see
how the Israelites learned to truly depend on God and
be thankful for every bite of food they ate. These people
had to wait for food to drop from the sky – literally. We
can thank God for our food, too.
Week Four (November 28)
Today’s Bible Story: I can thank God for people who help me. Elisha’s Room • 2 Kings 4:8-17
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.” Psalm 111:1, ESV
Key Question: Who can you thank for
Bottom Line: I can thank God for
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: I can thank God for people
who help me. Finally, we will visit the story of Elisha
and the wonderful couple who not only invited him to
eat from their table but built a room for him on their
home for when he was in town. They really understood
hospitality! While we may not have someone who has
made a room for us, we do have people who have
helped us, and we can thank God for them