God is the source of our joy. Our circumstances might not always make us feel happy, but we can have joy knowing that God is in control. Through Jesus, God made a way for us to have a relationship with Him. Knowing Jesus can give us joy no matter what’s happening around us.
December Curriculum:
Week Two (December 8)
The Weary World Rejoices
Bible Story: The Weary World Rejoices (The Coming Birth of John the Baptist) • Luke 1:5-25; 57-80
Bottom Line: You can have joy because anything is possible with God.
Memory Verse: Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful! Philippians 4:4 (NIrV)
Life App: Joy—Finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Key Question: What’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen? Often, to see past our circumstances, we need a reminder of God’s ability to do the impossible. We start with a question that gets preteens thinking about the amazing things they’ve seen and experienced in their life. We pray the conversation will lead towards celebrating the amazing things they’ve seen God do.
In week two, we head to Luke 1:5-25; 57-80 where we find Zechariah and Elizabeth. They were unable to have children. On top of that, they were older and it seemed impossible that they’d ever have a child of their own. But one day an angel came to Zechariah and told him that he would indeed have a son, and that son would prepare the way for the Promised One, Jesus. Zechariah and Elizabeth learned that anything is possible with God.
Bottom Line: You can have joy because anything is possible with God. We will face some difficult moments throughout our lives. But no matter what we face, we can find joy because God can do anything. He may still allow us to go through whatever we’re facing, but He’ll be with us and will give us what we need to get through it.
K3 Worship
Alive Again
Good Grace
456 Worship Files
Week Three (December 15)
Born to Be Our Friend
Bible Story: Born to Be Our Friend • Luke 1:26-56
Bottom Line: You can have joy because God is with you.
Key Question: What are some ways to find joy when you’re afraid?
Memory Verse: “Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful!” Philippians 4:4
Life App: Joy—Finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Key Question: What are some ways to find joy when you’re afraid? Some the most difficult times to find joy are in those moments when we are scared of what might happen next. We hope that as kids discover more about joy, they’ll figure out how they can choose joy no matter what they face.
We continue the story of Christmas in Luke 1:26-56. The Messiah had been promised for generations, but no one would have guessed that God would use a young woman to bring that promise to fulfilment— including that young woman herself. Mary was awestruck when the angel came to announce that she was about to have a child who would be the Savior of the world. She finds joy, trusting that God is up to something bigger than she could have possibly imagined.
Bottom Line: You can have joy because God is with you. Our circumstances do not have to determine how joyful we feel. We may not be happy about what is happening, but joy goes beyond happiness as it is rooted in our trust that God will carry us through whatever we face.
K3 Worship
Through It All
Let Go
456 Worship Files
Christmas Eve - Jingle Jam
Jingle Jam
Bible Story: O Night Divine • Luke 2:1-20
Bottom Line: You can have joy because God sent His Son.
Memory Verse: “Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful!” – Philippians 4:4
Life App: Joy—Finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.
Key Question: What’s the best part about Christmas this year? No matter what is happening at home, Christmas can be a joyful experience because God sent Jesus to be our Savior. Because preteens might have a hard time seeing why they can be joyful, we start with a question that gets them thinking about the great things that might happen during Christmas this year.
In Luke 2:1-20, we read that God didn’t announce Jesus’ birth to kings or government officials. Rather, He sent an angel choir to announce this news to a bunch of shepherds on a hillside. The shepherds ran to find Jesus, where they worshipped Him. They were so full of joy that they made sure to tell everyone what they saw when they left.
Bottom Line: You can have joy because God sent His Son. Christmas is the perfect time to talk about joy. God’s people had waited so long for God to send the Savior. When Jesus was born, the shepherds knew they need to celebrate big. We pray that the kids in your ministry will do the same when they remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas.
K3 Worship
I Choose You
Who You Say I Am
456 Worship Files
Week Five (December 29)
Led by the Light
Bible Story: Led by the Light • Matthew 2:1-12
Key Question: How can you find joy all year long?
Memory Verse: “Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful!” Philippians 4:4
Life App: Joy—Finding a way to be happy, even when things don’t go your way
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Key Question: How can you find joy all year long? Joy isn’t something we need to only find during the Christmas season. God offers joy to us each and every day. Sometimes kids just aren’t sure where to start. We pray that kids discover how they can choose joy as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.
In Matthew 2:1-12, we see how the announcement of Jesus’ birth was far-reaching. Wise men from the East saw a star that set them on an adventure to find a promised King of Israel. When they finally found Jesus, they worshipped Him as king. God protected Jesus and the Wise Men from Herod’s plot to kill Jesus.
Bottom Line: You can find joy when you search for God. When we believe that Jesus is the promised One sent from God to rescue us from our sins, we become part of God’s story. That story isn’t something we can keep to ourselves. It’s a story we need to share with everyone.