We trust God no matter what. Even when we face unexpected circumstances, we can respond to them with self-control. We can trust that we don’t need to rush in or take matters into our own hands. We can trust that God is working.
Self-control is a Fruit of the Spirit. As we follow Jesus throughout our lives, the Holy Spirit transforms us and helps us live more like Jesus. We can follow His example and choose to do what we should do—instead of what we want to do. The Holy Spirit can give us the power and wisdom to show self-control.
Monthly Overview
January Curriculum:
Week One (January 2)
Today’s Bible Story: Exile (Jesus Tempted in the Desert) • Luke 4:1-13 (Supporting: Matthew 4:1-11)
Today’s Key Question: When is it hard to do the right thing?
Today’s Bottom Line: Be ready to do the right thing.
Monthly Memory Verse: God’s power has given us everything we need to live a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3a (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Self-control—Choosing to do what you should even when you don’t want to
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Week Two (January 9)
You Need to Calm Down
Today’s Bible Story: You Need to Calm Down (Broken-Down Walls) • Proverbs 25:28
Today’s Key Question: When do you lose control?
Today’s Bottom Line: When you lose control, it can cause trouble.
Monthly Memory Verse: God’s power has given us everything we need to live a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3a (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Self-control—Choosing to do what you should even when you don’t want to
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Week Three (January 16)
Bad Blood
Today’s Bible Story: Bad Blood (David Spares Saul’s Life) • 1 Samuel 24
Today’s Key Question: What makes you angry?
Today’s Bottom Line: Don’t be controlled by your anger.
Monthly Memory Verse: God’s power has given us everything we need to live a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3a (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Self-control—Choosing to do what you should even when you don’t want to
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Week Four (January 23)
Blank Space
Today’s Bible Story: Blank Space (Choose Your Words Carefully) • Proverbs 12:18
Today’s Key Question: How can words make things better?
Today’s Bottom Line: Think before you speak.
Monthly Memory Verse: God’s power has given us everything we need to live a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3a (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Self-control—Choosing to do what you should even when you don’t want to
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Week Five (January 30)
Should've Said No
Today’s Bible Story: Should’ve Said No (Too Much of a Good Thing) • Proverbs 25:16
Today’s Key Question: How do you know when to stop?
Today’s Bottom Line: Know when to stop.
Monthly Memory Verse: God’s power has given us everything we need to live a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3a (NIrV)
Monthly Life App: Self-control—Choosing to do what you should even when you don’t want to
Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice.
Week 1 – This Is Living & Way Maker
Week 2 – There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do & Never Lost
Week 3 – The Best Is Yet To Come & The Blessing
Week 4 – Might Get Loud & Graves Into Gardens
Week 5 – There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do & The Blessing
Week 1 – This Is Living & Way Maker
Week 2 – There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do & Graves Into Gardens
Week 3 – The Best Is Yet To Come & Way Maker
Week 4 – Might Get Loud & Graves Into Gardens
Week 5 – Real Love & Way Maker