Preschoolers love to show adults how BIG they are . . . “Look at my BIG muscles! Look how BIG I can jump!
Look at this BIG bite!”
We don’t have to teach a preschooler to show everyone how big they are. And, if we’re all honest, there’s
something deep inside us that wants to do something big, too. We want to show the world that we can do
things that matter—things that really matter. Could it be that we were all made to do big things? We think so.
That is why we have planned an entire month around what being a Super Kid really looks like—doing the
things God made us to do. God made us to do BIG things!
Week One (October 3)
Today’s Bible Story: God has big things for us to do. David Chosen as King
• 1 Samuel 16:6-13
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid . . . for the Lord
your God goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV
Key Question: Who made you to do
big things?
Bottom Line: God made me to do big
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: God has big things for us to do. We
will dive into the story of David week one, and we will
stay there all month long. David’s story is so remarkable
that one week is just not enough. We begin with David
out in a field caring for his family’s sheep. Meanwhile,
the prophet, Samuel, is at his house looking over his
brothers hoping to find the next king. It turns out, God
had big things for David to do.
Week Two (October 10)
Today’s Bible Story: God made me to do big things anywhere. David Protects Sheep • 1 Samuel 17:34-37
Memory Verse: “Be
strong and courageous. Do not be afraid . . . for the Lord your God goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV
Key Question: Who made you to do
big things?
Bottom Line: God made me to do big
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: God made me to do big things
anywhere. Week two, David is still out in the field with
those sheep. God made us to do big things anywhere—
even out in a field in the middle of nowhere! Fighting off
a lion so it doesn’t hurt your sheep qualifies as a pretty
big thing.
Week Three (October 17)
Today’s Bible Story: God made me to do big things. David and Goliath • 1 Samuel 17:1-50
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid . . . for the Lord
your God goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV
Key Question: Who made you to do
big things?
Bottom Line: God made me to do big
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: God made me to do big things. In week
three, David begins making his way into the public eye
when he does another really big thing. David defeats
Goliath, who happens to be a really, really big person.
Not only does David defeat him, but he does it with just
a sling and a stone.
Week Four (October 24)
Today’s Bible Story: God made me to help others. David Helps Mephibosheth • 1 Samuel 20:14-17; 2 Samuel
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid . . . for the Lord
your God goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV
Key Question: Who made you to do
big things?
Bottom Line: God made me to do big
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: God made me to help others. Week
four, King David shows us that big things don’t have to
involve battling lions and giants. A big thing can simply
be helping someone out, like when King David helped
Mephibosheth. And no one, not even a king, will ever be
too important to lend a helping hand.
Week Five (October 31)
Today’s Bible Story: We can celebrate that God made me to do big
things. David Praises • 2 Samuel 6:12-15
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid . . . for the Lord your God goes
with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV
Key Question: Who made you to do
big things?
Bottom Line: God made me to do big
Basic Truth: God made me.
Story Focus: We can celebrate that God made me to
do big things. We will wrap up the month with a huge
celebration! Just like David praised God, we will, too!
We have a lot to celebrate! Not only did God make us.
He made us to do big things!