When race car drivers hear the call to “start your engines,” the mission is clear, and they are ready to go, go, go! The same can be said for those of us who follow Jesus. Jesus is calling each of us to start our engines and go do what He has prepared us to do. His call is to “love each other the way I have loved you.” Yes, the mission is clear, and it’s time for us to help our preschoolers get ready to go, go, go and love, love, love—like Jesus! And, how do we love like Jesus? We put others first and are a good friend. We share with oth-ers, help others, and say kind words to each other. When we do these things, our light shines bright and the love of Jesus shines through us. Preschoolers want to show everyone that, “I can do it. I can put on my shoes. I can make my bed. I can carry heavy things.” Let’s help them add, “I can love like Jesus,” to that list. Now, start your engines!
Week One (March 7)
Today’s Bible Story: When you love like Jesus, you will be a light.
Light of the World • Matthew 5:14-16
Memory Verse: “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV
Key Question: Who can love like Jesus?
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: When you love like Jesus, you will be a light. Week one, Jesus Himself says to start your engines, so to speak, and go be a light in the world. We want our preschoolers to know that when they love others the way Jesus loves them, they are like a shining light in this world. People see us when we shine bright with the love of Jesus, and it brings glory to God!
Week Two (March 14)
Today’s Bible Story: When you love like Jesus, you can be a good friend.
Washing Feet • John 13:3-17
Memory Verse: “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV
Key Question: Who can love like Jesus?
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: When you love like Jesus, you can be a good friend. Week two, we will hear about the time Jesus showed us how to love others by washing His disciples’ feet. This was the ultimate example of what it looks like to be a good friend—serving others and putting their needs before our own. When Jesus was done, He told His disciples to go and do for others what He had done for them. We want our preschoolers to know that when they choose to put others first and be a good friend, they are loving like Jesus.
Week Three (March 21)
Today’s Bible Story: When you love like Jesus, you can love everyone.
Love One Another • John 13:34-35
Memory Verse: “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV
Key Question: Who can love like Jesus?
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: When you love like Jesus, you can love everyone. In week three, we will talk about Jesus’ call for us to love others the way He loves us. Jesus said it so simply—go and love others the way I have been loving you all this time. Jesus calmed the storm when the disciples were afraid. He washed their feet. Jesus fed people when they were hungry. Jesus was the disciples’ good friend when no one else was. We want our preschoolers to know that when they share with others, help others, and say kind words to each other, they are loving like Jesus
Week Four (March 28)
Today’s Bible Story: We can celebrate Jesus.
Palm Sunday • Matthew 21:1-16
Memory Verse: “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV
Key Question: Who can love like Jesus?
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Story Focus: We can celebrate Jesus. We will end the month with a huge celebration! Yes, palm branches will be involved and lots and lots of cheering for Jesus. We want to encourage our preschoolers to celebrate Jesus for showing us how to give and receive His amazing love. It is because of Jesus that we can love like Jesus, and that is worth celebrating!