It’s time for a Beach Party—sand, sun, and a whole lot of fun! Jesus spent a great deal of time on or near the beach. In fact, He performed MANY miracles near the water. So, the beach is the perfect environment for our preschoolers to learn that Jesus can do anything.
Our preschoolers learned that God gave us Jesus in December, and now they will learn that because Jesus is God’s Son, He can do anything! With God all things are possible!
Week One (January 6)
Bible Story Focus: Jesus can do anything.
Water to Wine • John 2:1-11
Memory Verse: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26, NIV
Key Question: Who can do anything?
Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Preschoolers will hear about the time Jesus saved a wedding celebration by turning water into wine, or what we like to call super fancy party drink. John, one of Jesus’ disciples, said Jesus just told the people what to do. One minute there were jars of water and the next there were jars of wine.
Week Two (January 13)
Bible Story Focus: Jesus can do things we can’t.
Catching Fish • Luke 5:1-7
Memory Verse: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26, NIV
Key Question: Who can do anything?
Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Then, they will learn about the time Jesus told Peter to take Him out in his boat to go fishing. Peter and the other fisherman hadn’t caught anything all night, but because Jesus told him to try again he did. Do you know what happened? Jesus and Peter caught so many fish the boat almost sunk! Only Jesus could do that!
Week Three (January 20)
Bible Story Focus: Nothing is too hard for Jesus.
Feeding 5,000 • Mark 6:31-44
Memory Verse: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26, NIV
Key Question: Who can do anything?
Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Next, our preschoolers will hear about Matthew, another one of Jesus’ disciples. He wrote about a time when Jesus fed 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Five thousand people—and that’s not even counting the women and children!
Week Four (January 27)
Bible Story Focus: Jesus can do what is impossible.
Walking on Water • Matthew 14:22-33
Memory Verse: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26, NIV
Key Question: Who can do anything?
Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Finally, the children will hear what Matthew tells us about another time when he and the disciples were out on a boat. They were out a pretty good distance and guess who comes walking towards them on the water? Jesus! Jesus was walking on water. Wow! Jesus can do anything.