The very first Christmas was a string of God planned events that came together to create a wonder-filled story that would be told again and again and again. God sent His Son to earth in the form of a human baby who grew to be someone like no other. Ultimately, He gave His life for us.
This month, we celebrate the beautiful gift of Jesus. We want preschoolers to say again and again that, ‘God gave us Jesus.’ We want it to live deep within their hearts so they grow to trust that God loves them with a love so great that He gave them His one and only Son, Jesus, to be their friend forever.
Week Two (December 8)
Bible Story Focus: Jesus is born.
Jesus Is Born • Luke 2:1-7
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Jesus is born. We find Mary and Joseph welcoming God’s Son, Jesus, into the world in a stable. There were no trumpets or banners waving. No fancy palaces or crowds pushing to see.
Week Three (December 15)
Bible Story Focus: The angels tell about Jesus.
The Shepherds • Luke 2:8-20
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
God sent Jesus for each and every one of us, even the shepherds. Yes, shepherds – the bottom rung of the social ladder during that time. God sent angels into the starry, starry night, on the very same day Jesus was born, to tell shepherds that, “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.”
They were so excited they hurried to find this baby! Can you imagine the wonder as they looked into the eyes of the long awaited Messiah?
Week Four (December 22-24th)
Bible Story Focus: God gave us Jesus because He loves us. Happy Birthday Jesus! • Retell the Entire Christmas Story
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Retelling the Christmas story is the best way to celebrate Jesus’ birthday and how much God loves us!
Week Five (December 29)
Bible Story Focus: The wise men come to see God’s Son.
The Wise Men • Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
They looked into the starry, starry night and followed God’s lead all the way to the child, who they rightly called, ‘King of the Jews.’ They came and presented their gifts and worshiped the One who had come to be the Savior of the world. We can only imagine the wonder on their faces as they finally saw what had been prophesied for so, so long.
May we all pause under our own starry, starry night this year and remember the wonder of what we are celebrating. God gave us Jesus.