In My Feelings

Series Description
Joy. Sadness. Anger. Compassion. God has given each of us the capacity to feel deeply. And when we can better process our powerful emotions, we can start to understand how He will use them for His good. We are emotionally healthy when we are in control of our emotions instead of our emotions controlling us.
“Jesus wept." It’s the shortest verse in the Bible but it reveals so much about who Jesus was. He was not aloof, or distant from the people he met. He was present. He wept. He felt…deeply. The Bible shows us many examples of Jesus’s emotions: love, compassion, righteous anger, sadness, and more. In this series, we’ll look at how Jesus processed emotions and how following His example can help us see how our own emotions can be used to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.
Week 1: “Where is God When We Hurt?”
Scripture: Luke 7:11-16 NIV
Main Point: God sees you and He cares
Week 2: “Experience Joy Again”
Scripture: Luke 15: 11:31 NIV
Main Point: 3 Ways You Can Experience Joy With Jesus
- Take one step toward your Father.
- Enjoy a relationship instead of just following rules.
- Bring someone with you
Week 3: Interview with CEO of Meadows Behavioral Health, Sean Walsh
Main Topics:
- Q+A; Emotional/mental/behavioral health; How to handle emotions in a gospel centered way
During session, find questions and answers that directly pertain to what your tribe may be going through. Follow up and ask their thoughts and how they can live that out this next week.