This month, we are going to be talking about something that is high and wide and deep. Do you know what it is? Yes, it’s the love of Jesus. Jesus’ love for each of us is so wide and long and high and deep that we can’t even measure it! And, we are going to have so much fun introducing this truth to our preschoolers this month!
We start the month with the best Sunday of the year—Easter! How exciting that we get to share the story of Easter with our youngest friends this month. Some of them will be hearing for the very first time that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Yes! Jesus is alive, and He wants to be our friend forever!
We want to share the good news that Jesus is alive with our preschoolers all month long. We want them to hear over and over again that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. We want this foundational truth of Jesus’ great love for them to live in each preschooler’s heart
Week One (April 4 Easter)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus is alive!
Easter • Matthew 26:20-30; 27:45-50; 28:1-7
Memory Verse: “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Ephesians 3:18, NIV
Key Question: Who wants to be your friend forever?
Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be our friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus is alive! We kick everything off by sharing the amazing true story about why we celebrate Easter. We will teach our preschoolers that Jesus is special because Jesus is God’s Son. Jesus did amazing things and showed us how to love one another. Then, angry people hurt Jesus so bad that He died. But, Jesus came back—just like He said He would! Yes! Jesus is alive, and He wants to be our friend forever! For some children, this will be the first time they hear this incredible story
Week Two (April 11)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Breakfast on the Beach • John 21:1-14
Memory Verse: “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Ephesians 3:18, NIV
Key Question: Who wants to be your friend forever?
Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be our friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Week two is one we tell as a continuation of the Easter story. Can you imagine what the disciples felt when they saw Jesus standing on the shore after they thought He was gone? Before they knew it, they were sitting around a fire eating the breakfast Jesus had cooked for them. Jesus is really alive, and He wanted to make sure His friends knew He is alive and that He is going to be their friend forever. That’s what we want preschoolers to know—Jesus is alive and He wants to be their friend forever too
Week Three (April 18)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus taught us how to love one another.
Early Church • Acts 2:42-47
Memory Verse: “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Ephesians 3:18, NIV
Key Question: Who wants to be your friend forever?
Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be our friend forever.
Story Focus: Jesus taught us how to love one another. Week three is all about what Jesus wants us to do now that He has gone to get Heaven ready for us. Jesus wants us to love one another. Loving one another looks like helping one another, sharing with one another, and being kind to one another. When we love like Jesus, people will believe us when we tell them that Jesus is alive and He wants to be their friend forever
Week Four (April 25)
Today’s Bible Story: I can tell others about Jesus.
Great Commission • Matthew 28:16-20
Memory Verse: “How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Ephesians 3:18, NIV
Key Question: Who wants to be your friend forever?
Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be our friend forever.
Story Focus: I can tell others about Jesus. We finish up the month with the great commission. Yes, Jesus wants to be my friend forever, but the awesomeness doesn’t stop there! Jesus wants to be everyone’s friend forever, and He told us to make sure everyone knows it. Young and old, we can all tell others about Jesus, and He will always be with us to help us.